Friday, January 4, 2013

What is the Higgs Boson and Higgs Field?

First, the video.... and if you enjoyed the previous post about the standard model of the universe, and whether or not any of it is missing, then you should enjoy this too.

As I watched this, it seemed to me that there's a relationship between the density of the Higgs Field and the speed and perhaps also size of the particles traveling through it and interacting with it.  The smaller and faster ones interact less or not at all and therefore have little or no mass, while the bigger and slower ones meet with more resistance and accumulate greater mass.

To discover it, they have to make a great number of collisions between particles, and they keep getting different results because there are probably different numbers of the colliding particles interacting with one another. An electron and a muon and a quark and a hadron are all different, and perhaps we think of them as indivisible subatomic particles because we haven't got the technology to examine them closely enough to discover any potential constituent parts. After all, we once thought the atom was the smallest thing in the universe, until we developed better ways of examining stuff. 

I'm no scientist, God knows, but let's put it this way: it takes something to make something. We can't combine two nothings to create a something, and if we're smashing two somethings together and getting different results from the collisions, then it is just possible that the two somethings we are colliding have different constituents, thus creating varying results. That would be my guess anyway....

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