Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My previous item's comment writer....

I see where my previous posting earlier today has attracted a comment from someone whom I can only characterize as a 'Bible-puncher'..... and now it's my turn to comment.

I'm in my eightieth year on this planet, and I've seen a lot, heard a lot, and done a lot, including becoming involved with the various aspects of religion, some of which I found helpful, and some of which not so much. 

One of the main problems of religion is that there's simply too damned much of it - over 4,000 different flavors or brands at the most recent count, and not even Google with its marvelous searching abilities can accurately tell us exactly how many different religions there are, because any damned fool can start his or her own whenever they like, as often as they like, with as many others as they can get to follow them. I hasten to add that none of these 4,000+ religions agree completely with one another, because if they did, there would be no need for so many of them - especially if we accept the fact that there's only one true God - and we aren't going to get into the name game here - call God whatever you choose, but be reverent and humble about it, or you may wish you had been.

What I'm taking too long to say is this: religion, and those who feel empowered to push it at others, too often starts arguments and becomes confrontational because all too often these well-meaning 'Bible-punchers' just automatically assume that those to whom they are directing their evangelism have no prior knowledge or experience of God or the experience of worship, and therefore they tend to treat others as idiots. This is both presumptive and insulting and will immediately prompt resistance in most of us who have an I.Q. greater than our belt size. So I don't play that game, and please don't ask why. I've just explained that, if you've been paying attention here. Worship as you choose, but let me do likewise without annoyance. God does not like strife. That's the devil's playground. (See 4,000+ religions, above.)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bible Puncher known as Ray Freespeech---- Now you are on the right track.
