Sunday, June 23, 2013

That 'Supermoon'....

If you have Stellarium, found here, then you can make your own set of backgrounds for a Moon Theme in Windows 8 - just like I've just done. And for all you Windows 7 users, it works just the same for you, so have some fun.

Added Note:

One of the neat features of Stellarium is that you can choose another planet as your home base for viewing the cosmos, as in this illustration below, where we are on Mars, looking back toward Earth. In this particular view, they have manipulated the zoom feature to maximize the wide-angle effect to get more sky into the picture. In the actual program, the Martian horizon would not have such a pronounced curve, but would be much more like our own. And as you can see from this picture, our Earth is but one little speck in a vast cosmos.


Here's a normal view of the horizon on Mars as we look toward Earth.....

Now, someone please tell me - why would anyone want to come here?  There's no air and it's all beach but no ocean, no vegetation, nothing but rocks, gravel, and sand, and you can't bring it back because that costs too much - about a million dollars per pound, or 2.2 million per kilo. So what's the big attraction?

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