Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Another single family home bites the dust...

I knew this was coming when the occupants moved out a couple of weeks ago, and then a city works guy came around to cut off the water supply. This was why.... and it also explains why the back lawn hasn't been cut for weeks. It looks like a hay field. So now we can listen to the soothing sounds of construction for the rest of the summer. This is the fifth home in that block to get rebuilt in the past ten years. And none of them are as well made as the ones torn down. Construction materials and methods are getting worse every year for the sake of the almighty dollar and profit. And people build fancy-looking homes with plenty of windows, and then cover the windows with blinds that never get opened. I have to wonder if these are grow-ops that only look like a home from the outside. My suspicions aren't diminished when I see fancy windowless vans coming out of their driveways every few weeks, and disappearing up the street, when the people at the place drive cute little cars that would have trouble holding six bags of groceries.  Is that how they're paying for all that glitz and glamour?  

One of those guys in one of these new monsters where the blinds are never open just got himself a really cute classic old car - a bathtub Porsche like the one James Dean was killed in on September 30th, 1955. Dean's was silver metallic, but this one's either black or a very dark blue - I didn't get a close enough look. I've owned over seven dozen vehicles already, but none were Porsche, and none were really, really old. Those older cars are like older women - too high maintenance. And it's never what shows that causes the breakdowns. It's always a mysterious part in a transmission or a replacement joint in a hip. But they both look absolutely wonderful in a fresh coat of paint. Life's a bitch, and then you die...

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