Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The real British Columbia isn't in town, Folks.....

It's in places like this - the several-miles-long whitewater rapids along the Elaho River inside what once was Tree Farm License 38 in the upper Squamish River Valley northwest of Squamish. 
 Or this, an ancient volcano even bigger than Mount St. Helens, which burned out the whole inside of a huge mountain, leaving only the north wall and a huge ash and cinder ridge to its east. I call it 'The Witches Castle' because there's a spire of rock to the left of the highest one on the north peak which looks like a huge statue of a person in a floor-length robe, with a hood covering the head and part of the 'face', and a band of other-colored rock diagonally across the front and around the base of it. This 'figure' seems to be standing there looking down into the pit in the center, as if on watch, and hence 'The Witch'. All around the rim, which is miles, the bedrock is fractured into small cubes which will fall apart if struck by a hammer or another rock. It's a rather spooky place. Just imagine building a road for logging trucks into that burned out cavity, and logging it under the watchful eye of 'The Witch'...... The big black 'dots' on the lighter sandstone colored ash ridge are actually large gas vents coming to the surface from somewhere deep inside. One, when seen with binoculars, seems to be like a large cave with an opening maybe a hundred feet or so across. I camped in there for two days once, to have a good look at it, and it's impressive.

And up at about mile 60 there's this confluence of the Elaho River with the Clendenning Creek coming in from the northwest. It's one of the few more peaceful parts of those streams, and a pair of white swans nest there each spring to raise their little ones. Just two or three miles further along, the logging road ends in a big clearcut, which is now part of a provincial park.
This is the kind of country where you find the real British Columbia. You should come and check it out sometime.


  1. Please DON'T make me "homesick," Ray!!!!! (it hasn't been my home for over 20-[mumble mumble] years but I STILL LOVE it up there!) I've been "dreaming" of the idea of going up, this summer. wonderful it would be to go for a visit! I'm really wanting to come up your way, as well, too! I would LOVE to see Butchart Gardens, this summer, FINALLY! lol! What I wouldn't give to go to Banff and Jasper, as well. A LOT of territory to cover to catch ALL those, though! :-/ One can always dream, though! :-)

  2. Hello Ray,
    British Columbia is a special place. My wife, Anne, and I went skiing at Lake Louise and Kimberley in 2006. Some of it is impossibly beautiful and I've only seen a tiny bit. I'm going to put a photo page together of our trip, a bit of a hobby of late and post it on my blog.
    cheers Dennis
