Thursday, December 1, 2011

Our resident billionaire's Christmas lights are on again....

On a clear night, these can be seen
from almost 30 miles away,
near the U.S. Border crossing.
These have been a tradition here 
for many years, and we look for
them every year at the start of December.
It's Jim's way of saying 'Merry Christmas'.


  1. Quite AMAZING! Were I living up there, I'd try to get an interview w/him! I wanna know what the electric bill looks like! lol! :-D

  2. @ TC[Girl]

    If you owned 65 companies and were number three on the top ten list of
    richest Canadians, you wouldn't care what the electric bill was at home. And that's just one of three. He also has a place in the Philippines they say, and a few years ago he bought Frank Sinatra's old place in Palm Springs. You would likely have trouble getting past the flunkies if you wanted to interview him.
