Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Days like this, I'm glad I'm retired...

Days like this, I'm glad that I'm retired. The only place I've ever been where I've been colder and wetter in a rainstorm than in one of these buckets was on my motorcycle while caught in a thunderstorm wearing only shorts and a T-shirt as I expected continued hot sunny weather but got a nasty surprise.

You not only can get damned cold and wet up in one of these hydraulically operated buckets, but you can't move around much, and you have to keep yourself bonded to the bucket-liner and the cable or bus-bars you're working on, or else you get nasty 'bites' from the voltage gradients between the various items of your surroundings. But the good news is, using one of these buckets is a lot better than doing it the old-fashioned way, with the climbers strapped onto your boots, and a wide belt with a pole-strap to lash yourself to the pole so you can then use both hands free to work. That restricted your movements a lot, and it was also hell on your back. So these are an improvement. And no, you can't use an umbrella, because you have to see in all directions, and you need to be able to move things around up there, and an umbrella would simply be in the way and block your view of something possibly hazardous nearby. So you get cold and wet instead, but you survive to do it again tomorrow. Got the picture?

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