Monday, October 22, 2012

This and That, with 'Oldest Living Blogger'....

The wing is quicker than the finger....but I almost got it. My fault - while it was grabbing some breakfast, so was I....
And there's nothing better than fresh Driscoll's California Raspberries, with milk and sugar, and some fresh bread and almost-butter for a nice breakfast, and I
did get that picture a bit later on....after we'd all had something to eat.
The picture quality isn't the best because it was taken through the glass door and there's some reflections from interior lights on drapes, etc. making it less than clear. But getting pictures of crows this close, even through a glass door,
isn't always this easy. It has taken a long time for them to get confident enough to land on the deck and actually pick up a snack. They're much cleaner and quieter than those damned pigeons, and so that's my excuse. They're smarter than pigeons too.


  1. Love your little table cloth Ray...It could be a bit larger though...hehe

  2. Hi, Ron -

    Actually it's about 20% larger than the "table" it's on, and it's a paper towel, because I'm a messy eater.
