Saturday, March 21, 2015

What color is your Alphabet ?

This isn't the plan for a hook-it-yourself rug like my Mom used to make. It's a diagram of color associations people have with various letters of the alphabet.

And this isn't some new kind of rocket engine, or advanced motor-generator set, but rather the Hadron Collider in Switzerland, where they're getting ready to discover more than the four percent of our physical universe which we can see and interact with already.

The ancient Egyptians had a comment in their 'Book of the Dead' relating to all this; they said, rather wisely, "Not known are the things which God will do." And in the meantime, these images make interesting "wallpaper" on the monitor. And today's Question Everything would be: "Why wasn't the Higgs Boson as heavy as experts expected?" Were our illustrious experts that far wrong in their  "guesstimates"? Apparently. Just when you think you know something, you don't! That's why life is a learning process. God isn't revealing all the secrets at once, so pace yourselves, Folks.

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