Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Earth Day, and stuff....

If you're a bone-in-the-nose in one of those black-assed African fiefdoms, or one of the 'in-crowd' in New York City, or enjoying a drink watching the scenery on the observation deck of the Mori Tower in downtown Tokyo, it doesn't really matter, because there's no such thing as a 'typical Friday night'. They're all unique, from the Latin, unus meaning one, and equus meaning horse.

Most of the world runs on Bullshit. That's why we're spending billions on Outer Space. Because the thought of dealing effectively with the problems of Inner Space scares the shit out of us, and we'd rather deal with the possibility of life in a frozen vacuum where the next gas station is at least 4.3 light-years away.

Humanity can be defined in one word: 'stupid'. And 'Uncle Albert' was right - the most common element in the known universe isn't Hydrogen, it's Stupidity. Just look around you: how many of those people needed help tying their shoelaces this morning before they left home? Have you ever wondered? And where did those shoelace tiers come from or go to? Back to the Bullshit Factory?

And if you do have a 'typical Friday night' then you're in a rut. Get the hell out of there and do something with the next evening in the rest of your life. And don't waste it watching some turkey babbling on about 'The Superbrain'. Prove you've already got one by clicking that bastard into Oblivion. That famous place near Las Vegas where idiots go to die... no, wait! that's Palm Springs.....but you get the idea, I'm sure. (See what I mean about 'bullshit'? It's everywhere!)

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