Monday, October 19, 2015

Today's Top Ten .......


  1. I find it interesting that your highest count seems to always be Russia. Do you have family and friends there??

  2. Hi, Tom -

    "Do I have family or friends there?" - No, and this is as much of a puzzle
    for me as for you.

    All I can suggest is that they like using the Google Translate gadget in
    the right-hand margin, to see what we're doing over here. I don't know
    how accurate Google Translate is for changing English into Russian, but it
    must be doing a reasonable job or they wouldn't keep using it.

    I've used Google Translate for French, to send messages to a pen pal in
    Lebanon who prefers speaking French, and I found that Google's French isn't
    as good as it should be. I usually feed the French back through it again, to
    check and see if it is saying what I want to say, and very often, it isn't,
    and I have to make changes to get the correct message across. If Google's
    Russian is the same, then not everything I'm saying is being correctly
    translated. Google really needs a better way to capture the real intent of
    a piece of text. They don't seem to realize everything is not just literal.
    I don't know how they could do that, except to get better interpreters.
