Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Today's Snow Report, and other trivia...

Looking out the window, in between showers, here's what the hills look like this morning, from four miles away....

There's an article in the news today about a couple of climate-modelling experts who claim that they now know how the last planetary cooling some 13,000 years ago occurred. They blame it all on a flow of icy melt-water from a huge glacier covering most of Canada, flowing northwest along what's now called the MacKenzie River valley, into the Arctic Ocean, interfering with normal heat-transfer patterns in the oceans.

It's a partly-hypothetical but fascinating tale, which only leaves out one key detail: neither of these eminent eggheads tells us where that huge Canada-covering ice sheet came from in the first place....did a previous climate change cause it? Was our planet knocked out of its place within the ecosphere temporarily for a few thousand years? Did all that occur when something came
into our system and punctured Mars' crust, destroying its environment and leaving only a mostly-bared core of its former self? Is that what happened, Professor? - What do you mean, "We're not sure..." Where are all the Resident Know-it-alls when a guy needs one or two? What do you mean, "They've all gone to vote."? Do you actually believe you've got a monopoly on Know-it-alls?
And in the immortal words of that great philosopher Anonymous, "If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal." It says so, right here....   


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