Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Here we go again....

You can read this story here, and today's Question Everything is: "Does anyone remember how many times these crisis-talks have now been held without any significant resolution of the problems?"

A corollary to that question might be: "How much money and resources and manpower has been wasted over the years fighting over these issues, while stalling for time and jockeying for position and hoping for some miraculous intervention from God or perhaps extraterrestrials who might be in the neighborhood and curious about how our retarded life forms are developing?"

This situation appears to be insoluble as long as there's religions, ethnicities, and gunpowder on the planet. All of which ought to be outlawed in the interests of saving the human race from itself, because we've obviously been born stupid and have been losing ground ever since. Want proof? Take a good look at Hillary in that picture above. The poor girl is absolutely frazzle-assed. She needs a rest from all this, and so do we, and the sooner the better.

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