Thursday, December 25, 2014

Let's talk some more Windows....

Are you showing high usage for your CPU?  Like over 50 percent while seemingly nothing is happening except your usual background features? And do you have Avast Internet Security running? And did you think you were having a problem in Windows? OK - it isn't a Windows problem! It's your Avast!!

Here's why your CPU is running at over fifty percent while nothing's happening! "So what the hell is this 'NG' anyway?" I hear you asking. Please read on.....

But to do this, it has to monopolize use of your available RAM - I have four gigs of it installed - and this means over half of my available RAM is going to this feature, to provide virtualization services that I neither need nor want, and this feature is automatically installed along with others when you install Avast. So what can we do about this? Please read on....

Go into Control Panel - Programs and Features, and right-click on your listing for Avast, and then instead of choosing 'Uninstall' choose 'Change', and when this window (above) is displayed, just remove that check from the box for 'NG'.... (Does 'NG' really mean 'No Good'???) and then do a Reboot (that's 'Restart' to you, Virginia...) and you will notice a remarkable drop in the total RAM use. It will once again return to where it should have been before Avast got creative and messed it all up! Avast is going to try one more of these half-assed screw-ups, and I'm going to scrap it forever. And you should too! Because: It is becoming more of a problem than a solution, and a damned expensive one at that. And you may quote me. In fact, please do! Am I 'pissed off'? YES! I bought this goddamned mess to make life better, not worse, and I don't enjoy spending an hour tracking down fuck-ups it created in my formerly smooth-running system. 

And I apologize to Microsoft for thinking, incorrectly, that it might have been a Windows problem. This was the same problem I was having while testing the Windows Technical Preview of Win-10 a couple of weeks ago, and this was why I had dumped it at the time. I was wrong to do that, and again, I apologize for blaming the wrong people for this problem. And I will try to be more diligent doing my 'homework' from now on...

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