Thursday, December 25, 2014

I hope you're having an enjoyable Christmas, and...

...I have a couple of comments about things mentioned lately here. First of all, that item I said was found by Malwarebytes and removed - it wasn't. After a short delay, and after removing about ten instances of it the first time around, another scan showed four more. This time, before simply punching the "delete" button, I read the filename information.

It had installed itself into a protected folder inside my User's\AppData\Roaming folder, and even with Admin privileges I couldn't remove it. Inside that protected folder were about ten instances of other files for pop-ups and browser redirects and other nasty and impolite things I didn't want. That means "war", as Bugs Bunny might say.

So I once again downloaded a fresh copy of Emco's MoveOnBoot from my friends in Iceland and set it to "delete folder" and "Restart Windows immediately" and that's how I finally got rid of "Spigot" and all its little pals.
And once again, thanks to Igor and the folks at Emco for their great program.

Also recently, I was singing the praises of that local dairy and its real milk. I meant to add that on the cap, all it says is "Whole Milk". It doesn't say anything about three and a half percent, or whatever. The only thing removed from this milk was the cow! And I hope she's alive and well... When I opened it, I couldn't pour the milk until I had spooned out the cream on top of it. That's the kind of milk I remember from my childhood! And it's absolutely delicious. It's more expensive, but definitely worth it.

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