Sunday, December 28, 2014

Clouds make nice backgrounds...

A nice shot of the sky full of clouds makes a relatively relaxing background for the screen. Much less distracting than an image of some hot young lovely busy trying to find something to wear.  Or at least I think that's what she's doing... you see, it's like this: I got most of my sex education from Playboy, because I was one of its original subscribers back in 1953. And don't I wish I'd taken better care of some of those early issues, now worth hundreds of dollars each as collector's items. 

And that, by the way, puzzles me. Why? Let my exotic dancer friend Kate tell you in her own words, just as she once told me: "I don't understand you guys - you sit there, in 'gynecology row' slobbering over something you know damned well you'll never get your hands on, like you've never seen anything like it, and let's face it - they haven't changed the design of this model in 500,000 years!"

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