Sunday, January 31, 2010

One of our feathered friends

Digging for lunch.... and finding some. 


  1. ... here these birds have a habit of walking along the roof of our house, and it sometimes sounds as if some stranger is up there.
    But they are very intelligent birds arent they.

  2. Yes, they are....

    And I now have my very own flock of them. Several years ago, in the midst of one of our colder winters,
    there were two of them hanging around in the trees beneath my window, so I began tossing slices of bread out for them, to keep them alive until spring. That's how it all began. Before I knew it, they'd multiplied into a whole flock. They aren't exactly tame, but if I whistle at them, they know it's time for munchies. They can get rid of a loaf of stale bread as fast as I can Frisbee the slices out towards the street below. Once, one of them caught a slice in mid-air and took off for distant parts before the others took it away. I wished I could have got that on the camera.
