Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I think winter's back....

Another day, another snowstorm.....  Does this mean that global warming causes more moisture to be retained in the atmosphere, which in turn results in more precipitation, leading to a greater cooling trend, resulting in another Ice Age ? Is global warming really what starts all that ? Is that how Mother Nature takes care of overcrowding on Spaceship Earth ?


  1. Ah mother nature nah it's them kiddies them kiddies.

    The effects of global warming are in fact confusing, but for sure it's no game to play with....
    Where are the Geo Engineers? We'll need lots of them.

    You got nice pictures in your post.
    Have a good week.

  2. Global warming is a misleading name for it, I think, because its effects are more of a regional thing, with
    some areas more effected than others.

    None of us seem to be enjoying our so-called normal conditions though.
    A warming trend in the Pacific this winter caused milder conditions along the west coast of North America and that almost ruined the winter Olympics.
