Monday, March 29, 2010

A work in progress....

Earlier this morning, perhaps before my brain had kicked into 'drive', I attempted to post another of my so-so neighbourhood 'here's the kind of day we're having' shots, but discovered that the blog wasn't accepting images at that time. I then spent a surprisingly informative half-hour reading up on Google's helpful hints and factual facts about postings, images, limits for those, and Picasa Web Albums ( Hello to Gunnar, in case you're still there!) and found how to check how much of my allotted storage quota has already been used (23%) - so I should say "Thank You, Mr. Google, for deciding to work on the new setup this morning, which gave me time to improve my limited knowledge of how this whole thing works."  If you hadn't guessed already, I'm another of those guys who doesn't bother reading the directions until after the mung hits the fan! After all, why clog up the old memory bank with information you may never need? It almost works for me.....

Enjoy your day, Everyone!

1 comment:

  1. So Ray, how do you check the amount that you're using?
