Wednesday, October 6, 2010

And now, for something entirely different....

I still don't know the name of this, but it's just gorgeous!

Here's another one, not as far along, but promising to be equally lovely.

This is another I don't have a name for, but is another eye-grabber. I'll have to catch Ken, our gardening expert, and ask him what these are.  They look too good to be 'Anonymous'...... and I hope you enjoy them. If you click on them to enlarge them, you can even save them on your own computer, maybe for wallpaper, for when you need something new or different.

Rather than wait for me to find out what these all are, which might be a while, you can use a neat reverse image search engine called 'TinEye'  to upload one or more of these, and TinEye will check the web for similar images, which will likely have names. It's worth a try, anyway. Have fun!


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