Monday, May 7, 2012

"Arrest everyone with a white ribbon!"

Long ago, back in those heady days of radio, when I was a mean little kid of maybe ten or eleven, television was yet to become popular and affordable, so we relied heavily on the sounds of our radios, and fifteen-minute or half-hour serials which were real thrillers if you were ten or eleven. One of those was a comedy called Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy, in which Edgar was the ventriloquist, and Charlie was one of his two dummies, the other being a character named Mortimer Snerd. And why am I telling you all this, you ask?

Because: if Russian President and former KGB spy Vladimir Putin was Edgar Bergen, then his ventriloquist's dummy would be Dmitry Medvedev, Russia's Prime Minister. And that's no comedy, I assure you. 

Putin, the two-faced scheming little bastard, has re-written the rules of the land to make himself able to hold the top office long past his rightful turn at it, and
this is too strongly reminiscent of those bad old days of Stalin and the purges and the increased population of Siberia and its Trans Siberian Railway and all that. Regression, in a word.

I don't trust anyone who stands up at the microphone and sanctimoniously speaks of his service to 'the fatherland'. Adolf Hitler ranted about his precious fatherland, and look where all that got us. This guy Putin is no Hitler, but he bears watching when he's busy accepting the nation's top job while his citizens
are outside rioting in the streets because they don't want anyone that crooked being their leader.

Start troubleshooting those ICBMs, Kiddies - we just might need them again.

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