Thursday, September 27, 2012

More This and That.... from 'Oldest Living Blogger'

Will Google, now 14, ever get around to properly finalizing all these many beta
projects they love to keep on 'hold' seemingly forever? Take this Blogger for an example: It still doesn't maintain a selected font style until you, the user of it, decides to switch to something else, or close the program. No, that would be too pedestrian, too normal, too expected, too goddamned convenient entirely! Let's keep everybody on edge by making them constantly interrupt other activities and thought patterns to restore the chosen-but-reverted-to-default font style.
Does Google really give a damn about any of that? Not on your nellie, Nelly!
So, instead of a Birthday present, let's give them the Diabolical Dirty Digit Award. You know the one..... it has only one upright finger showing....

And that brings me to Mozilla's famous Firefox, with its convenient gazillion add-ons from mysterious third parties with their hands all out for donations.
Their latest blurb to the faithful flogs the six best add-ons for productivity, in case you actually are on this contraption to perform some kind of useful output.
But hold the phone, Schnookie! If you go to the trouble of checking out some of these productivity gizmos you can easily meld into Firefox, and thus into your computer at large, you'll quickly discover many or dare I say most of them will
connect you to some likely cloud-based server setup which will interact with your own computer to perform the required tasks of seeming cybernation. So if I were to gawk at that from another angle, all that stuff could loosely be classified as Spyware, because it's sorting through your stuff to figure out how to combine that with its own stuff, and it stores all the results where you can't always watch who might be thumbing through it for fun and profit, neither of those latter two being yours.


  1. Gee, sounds like you're having a bad hair day today Ray?


  2. Hi, Tom -

    Maybe a "bad haircut day" - just finished giving myself a haircut,
    and that always leaves me in less than perfect mood.

    But really, I do think if Google's brightest and best are going to amuse themselves creating crafty programs with which to snare millions of gullible users, so that said users' information can then be mined by Google's spiders for useful material on which to base advertising and the solicitations for advertising for the purpose of making Google's people richer than anybody, then
    I think they should be methodical enough and conscientious enough to finish what they start, instead of getting something mostly together, getting bored with it, and going off onto something else that's more the "flavor of the week".

    In the world where I grew up and made a living, we had to finish what we started if we wanted to get paid for it, and the same ought to apply to Google's Whiz-kids.

  3. Gee, Ray that sounds just like some politians I know...


  4. @ Tommy -

    Just for the record, I am not now nor have I ever been a Republican.

    I haven't been a Democrat either, but if I lived south of the border, down USA way, I probably would be.

    But, as Peg Bracken asks, in a little quotations book I have, Why does a slight tax increase cost you $200 and a substantial tax cut save you 30 cents?
