Saturday, October 1, 2011

This is the kind of day it's been.....

It's not the camera, it's the fog!


  1. Dang sorry that you had to sit out the day in fog w/out a fog horn, Ray! :-/

    Hey...just a thought: have you gone back and figured out exactly how many nice summer days there actually were, from the first pic that you shared w/us to this day? I bet it was a pretty short summer up there, like it was, here. The rain has started, here, hearing weather reports of SNOW for some folks, in the U.S., already! I'd take the rain over snow, ANY DAY, though! :-) Perhaps that is because, here, "snow" equals debilitatingly (even to semis!) slippery road conditions and...freezing rain! BOTH scare me silly to be out in! :-(

  2. Hi, TC -

    Let's revive that old idea of the west coast states and B.C. forming
    our own country. 'Cascadia' someone dubbed it, I think. It would run all the way down the coast from Alaska to the Mexican border. We'd have our own oil, our own gas, nice mild weather in most places, and all those crazies in L.A. for whenever we got really bored. How do you like it so far?
