Thursday, October 27, 2011

And the snow came......


  1. STOP it Ray. As I said, think SPRING.. :-)

    By the way, I was trying to stitch together a panarama picture using Photoshop yesterday. After lot's of tries, it just couldn't do it. For the heck of it I tried ICE and in no time, I had it.

    Go figure, you buy an expensive piece of software and the free one does the job...

  2. @ Tommy -

    "Go figure, you buy an expensive piece of software and the free one does the job..."

    Told ya! - Now you know why I've spent days and days searching the web for some of the greatest freebies there are! And Microsoft's I.C.E. really is great, isn't it?

    There used to be another great freebie called IcoFX for making your own professional-looking icons, but they've now put a price on it, and the price is $59 and that's just too much for the average home user who just wants to create a few of his own icons,
    like I did a year or so ago. So free, Yes - but $59 no way! Luckily, my freebie version still works.

  3. Actually, I used jpg files this time. My camera takes raw (DNG) format. That's what I was really trying to use. I'll give it a try and see if ICE can handle these.

  4. @ Tommy -

    Yes, please let me know how that goes. I've been using jpegs myself,
    so I don't know about the RAW format.
    But I'm guessing it might be OK....

    I think that I.C.E. program from Microsoft Research is intended as a
    step along the way in a process that possibly has to do with the 'cloud' technology. If it can assemble a scramble of various images like it does, then perhaps it can also sort out applications and windows features with a bit more tweaking.... who knows?

  5. Ray, while ICE won't deal with raw images (I tried it), I can save the images as TIFF files. ICE does work with them and they don't loose quality as you edit/save them (as far as I know anyway)..
