Monday, March 5, 2012

The difference a new graphics card makes......

This is the difference a new and improved graphics card makes. If you compare these ratings to the ones in that previous post below, you will notice that there has been quite an improvement. I've now got enough under the hood to run the graphics more easily, with an ASUS card having 1 Gb of its own RAM. The card is an ATI Radeon HD 5450 with 1 Gb of RAM built in, and there's a  new driver update dated 29 Feb for it for use on Windows 8 Consumer Preview. I've downloaded that one, but haven't installed it yet. I'm using a driver update just received from Windows for it. 


  1. Ray oh Ray...

    Come back to us...


    Windows 8 has ate you up...

    Gobbled you up...

    2 hard drives and all...

    Oh the shame of it...

    Will we ever see you again?


  2. @ Uncle Ron -

    Will we ever see you again?....

    Probably, but as you see, I've been busy lately figuring out what's in Windows 8 that we really have to have, and so far, I'm still looking, but I'm finding out what it's all about anyway. It's habit-forming.

    Enjoy your evening, Ron.
