Monday, February 3, 2014

More musings from 'Oldest Living Blogger' ....

Sitting here, enjoying the evening jazz from KPLU at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma and Seattle, I was just thinking that if I've learned anything during the past week or so, while playing with this computer's systems, then it would be that Microsoft and Apple aren't the only games in town.

For most of the past week or so, I've been trying out programs and features in
this PC-BSD, and discovering that it's got everything that the other guys have, except a hefty price tag. The price you pay is whatever you choose to donate to its developers, and the time it takes you to install it and familiarize yourself with it, and then just enjoy it. And you may very well discover that you do enjoy it.
It's reassuring to know that this is a very viable alternative to Windows or Mac.

And I've been doing everything on this system that I'd normally be able to do with Windows 8 - and I've been testing it to make sure of that. I'm really impressed by its performance, and its many detailed features. I can recommend it to everyone. This is the operating system that Microsoft and Apple hope you won't discover.... and I now know why. It works and kicks ass!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ray...
    I like reading your posts on your blog and today while reading this one I decided that the voice I hear in my head as I read is the voice of Barry Weiss a character on the Storage Wars Episodes on TV...I like him and he is always entertaining on the show...
    (just an observation from an old coot in S.C.)
