Sunday, February 9, 2014

Today's 'Question Everything'......

If I'm the only user, (and I am) then why am I being denied authority to issue commands on this system? This doesn't make any sense to me....

And as long as I'm in a whining mode, why won't my Wacom tablet work on this PC-BSD partition like it does in both Windows partitions? Why should it be so difficult to find and install the required drivers for it? Beats the hell out of me!

Please Note:
The real problem above was 'ignorance'. I wasn't aware of the correct method of upgrading my status from ordinary user to 'superuser' (I like that elegant title).
I was trying to do it all at once, but you don't. After the flashing cursor, you type in 'su' for 'superuser' and then you wait, until you're invited to respond by providing your 'root password'. Once that's done, Voila! the world is yours...
provided you know the right stuff to input, that is..... which you learn by reading the 'Help' sections, and copying what others did in forums, and like that.

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