Wednesday, January 28, 2015

American politics fascinates me...

Mitch McConnell says he doesn't see any threat to democracy from the fifth and sixth richest men on the planet putting together almost a billion dollars to buy their own butt-smooching politicians for the 2016 election. That puts his powers of observation on a par with an unwashed turnip. He probably thinks 'manual labor' is a Mexican obstetrician. How do guys like this get into positions like his?

Between the Koch brothers and Lockheed Martin, the only real freedom left in America is the freedom to shut up and do what you are told.


  1. You know...I learn more about US politics from your Blog than any where else...Having you look in on us and comment on our goings on is really good for me...I usually shy away from our news programs...Keep up your interest and in us ...I feel safer reading your blog than our newspaper...Thanks Ray!

  2. Your wish is my command, Uncle Ron.

    Rachel Maddow was on Letterman last night, wearing a pair of bright red shoes that reminded me of Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, and I'm sure she's a great commentator and a wonderful person, but if I had to listen to that voice, the way she seems to talk in exclamation points all the time, I'd wake up in the morning and say, "I'm sorry, My Dear, but today, I have to run away from home!" And I'd be gone.

    But I love the way she goes after the Koch brothers. Their lawyers went after her about a year ago trying to shut her up, and she answered them on the air by saying "I'm sorry, gentlemen, but I don't take requests."

    Enjoy your day, Uncle Ron!
