Monday, January 19, 2015

Some days, nothing seems to go right....

I wasted most of the day trying without success to make a DVD slideshow that would run properly (meaning automatically) when played in the DVD Player that is connected to the TV. I got it to the point where it could be advanced to the next image manually, but that's not a slideshow - it's just an image file you're looking through. I can do that anytime on the computer.

So I tried Windows Movie Maker. It made a file with MP4's that the DVD Player couldn't recognize, but it said I could play these on the computer. My question is: "Why would I do that, when Windows comes with a feature that plays any image file in the Pictures folder as a Slideshow if you chose that option from the taskbar?" Why would I waste time making a DVD if the image folder itself does the same thing for me on the computer? I wanted something to put into the Samsung DVD Player and show on the TV. I didn't get it.

But I found a use for wasted DVDs that don't play what you wanted. They make good light-switch covers, in case you're tired of the ones you have. See below...

And reading over yesterday's blurb, it occurs to me that religion and politics are mixed in several countries. In the USA, their money says on it "In God We Trust" and the implication there is "Everybody else pays cash!" Or, putting that another way, "Jesus Saves - Others Invest". So don't tell me religion and politics are not being mixed in many places. And what's wrong with that? Religion and politics employ two entirely different kinds of liars; the one kind concerned with the Hereafter, and the other kind with the Here and Now. And never the two should mix. But they have something in common; nobody can agree on one kind of politics nor one brand of religion. And nothing is so firmly believed as that which is least known, as Michel de Montaigne said, back in the 1500s.

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