Saturday, September 19, 2009

Another handy tool....

Here's ZoomIt the handy little zooming program. It's meant for using during presentations, but it also does other neat stuff, like magnifying pictures, and allowing you to type or write on the screen by choosing another set of keyboard shortcuts for that. It works in Windows 7 and Vista. Check it out.

And I just solved a mystery effecting the Clipboard, so if you're using Firefox as your browser of choice (and all us Good Guys do!) and you've found that your "copy" and "paste" are not doing their usual things, ( mine weren't!) then please read this before you start cussing a blue streak. I went into Registry and deleted that "AppInits_DLLs" string value like it says to do, and suddenly the 'Copy" and "Paste" are functioning normally again, after several days without them. And we use those a lot, don't we? So I'm glad I found this solution. I just wish I'd found this before I re-installed Windows 7 yesterday in an unsuccessful attempt to cure this problem.
Which just proves that a re-install isn't always what it takes to fix something. Sometimes, the answer is found on good old Google by using the right keywords in your search.

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