But that's OK - about ten million of us have been testing Windows 7 already for months, and most of us have been very favourably impressed by it. Most of us have probably already said so, to anyone who would listen. I know I have. I think Windows 7 is the best Windows yet, and I believe anyone who gives it a fair trial and especially anyone who has compared it side by side with Vista will definitely prefer Windows 7. It's the kind of program that will practically sell itself, if given a chance to show what it can do. It's classier and prettier than XP, but just as versatile, and much more user-friendly than Vista, so it has all the makings of a real winner in my humble opinion. Add to that the fact that from practically Day One it has been a very solid and dependable platform, and you've got something you can trust. Behind it you have people who have learned their lesson about paying attention to their users and trying to keep us satisfied with the product, and that makes a big difference for everyone. So I really don't need to hold a launch party for this newest operating system - I was sold on it months ago, and already have a copy pre-ordered.
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