Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ah, Das Wet Coast, jawohl !

The Weather Channel - in Germany! Thanks to Monsieur Beep for providing the link for us.


  1. this is produced by a commercial firm. Their information is first class, and their forecasts are unbeatable.
    And all those radar and satellite animations of the whole world - super!
    Thanks for publishing this, Ray.

  2. You are most welcome, Monsieur!

    I was really impressed with the nice animations and the wealth of information they provide. We have a
    weather channel here, but I think that most of their computer animations are 'borrowed' from the USA's National Weather Service.
    Americans call Canada "The Great White North", not realizing that most parts of our country are probably a lot greener than theirs.
    I credit that to the fallout of all that bullshit from south of the border :)

    Enjoy your weekend!
