Friday, October 11, 2013

Canada's politics are different...

We don't get into the same political gridlock as our American cousins, because we we don't have nearly as healthy a gun culture, for one thing, and for another, we don't take our politicians nearly as seriously as you Americans do.

There's been talk for years here of eliminating our Senate, spurred on recently by the larceny of three of its members, two of them former high-profile media types. Now, suddenly going into reverse, the trend seems to be against doing anything at all to that upper chamber of somnambulant patronage appointees known as Senators. Our Prime Minister, Stephen 'Hairspray' Harper, is probably scared shitless of disturbing the status quo in case those self-serving sleepers turn on him with revealing stories of how and why he put them there in the first place.

A recent American poll indicates 60% of Americans want to throw out their whole elected gang of 535 recalcitrant squabblers and start fresh with a whole new crew, and who can blame them? Up here in The Great White North we'd just like ours to wake up, stand up, and stop padding their expense accounts for luxuries we ourselves can't afford, like extended Mexican vacations when they ought to be here working, and speaking of that, most think 'manual labor' means a Mexican obstetrician. A good honest day's physical toil would probably kill any one of them, and most of them haven't seen their own shoes in decades. Am I suggesting they're 'fat-assed'? Yes - all over their bodies! Including between their ears. And you thought you had problems! Just ask us how hard it is to get good help these days. We could tell you.

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