Monday, October 14, 2013

New Theme for Win-8

One evening many years ago, my blushing bride and I found one of these on the highway, where it had unfortunately flown into the side of a semi-trailer and broke its neck. It was a juvenile, like the one shown here, yet it had a wingspan of over five feet. We were on our way to the city for some time off, so I put it in the trunk and next day, took it to a taxidermist. 

It was months before it was finished, and part of that time was spent assuring the wildlife people that I hadn't, in fact, killed it myself. These are protected here. But eventually, it was finished, and mounted sitting on a branch, so it could be hung on a wall. That didn't work out very well, because it often wasn't even at home. It kept going to school for 'Show and Tell' days, and that went on
until it was getting rather raggedy-assed. You can only groom a dead owl so many times, and then it's getting beyond restoring to its former glory. So the next time the kids from the neighborhood wanted to borrow the owl, I told them that they would have to find it a nice home, because I think it needed one.
So that was the last I saw of the owl. It helped to teach kids at school about snowy owls and protected wildlife for years and years. I've realized I miss it.

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