Monday, October 28, 2013

Flu Shots....

Us feeble Old Farts can also drop off like flies from it too, but there's a certain element of 'make-work project' involved in all of this, in that it's mostly a guessing game involving which of last year's viruses evolve into this year's most dominant strain, and whether or not that's the one that the bulk of the vaccine
supply was designed to fight. In other words, it's a crap shoot, Folks.

Experts will tell you that the effectiveness of the flu vaccine ranges between 50% and 80%, and sometimes doesn't prevent you from getting the flu. It may lessen the consequences, but not prevent it.

What else can you do? Get a pneumonia shot.  And yes, Virginia, there are such things, and you only need to get one once every five years for it to be effective.
So talk to your doctor while you're getting poked with your flu shot, which may or may not work for you, but always works for him. (This is how my doctor makes $325,000 a year, and I don't.)

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