Thursday, October 31, 2013

Yesterday's 'neurocam' video, and last night's dreams...

Perhaps like many, I have dreams which are only vaguely and indistinctly recalled upon waking, with only bits and snatches of them sticking in the active memory long enough to be even semi-recognizable as actual dream segments.
The rest of that activity remains in that nebulous 'twilight zone' where we're not quite sure if it was real or not.

Again last night, I had some of that 'maybe so, maybe not' dream activity, which usually frustrates the hell out of me, because I'm the nosy type, and I want to know what's going on - especially inside my own head! So as I was waking, I had a neat thought: "Wouldn't it be great if that neurocam described yesterday could be tuned to detect and record all those 'now-you-see-'em-now-you-don't' fleeting glimpses of dreams that come and go during the night?"

It might be interesting to see what the brain is doing while the rest of me is busy dumping the garbage and patching up the wear and tear on the systems
and getting ready for another day of not quite being able to remember those dreams... And before you ask, No! I have never dreamt I climbed Mount Everest in my Maidenform Bra. And I doubt if anyone else has either.

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