Monday, February 10, 2014

Good News! Got my Wacom tablet working in PC-BSD

And the above screenshot showing a test page in Gimp illustrates it in action doing just some doodling to confirm that the pressure sensitivity is doing its thing, which it seems to be.... and while I'm babbling about this, I should add that I never did get the pressure sensitivity working properly in Windows......
and now, I don't have that problem. Isn't life grand? I'm glad I've kept this old Wacom Graphire 4. It still works just like always. In fact, it works better on here than it has in Windows, as mentioned. So now, I'm all ready for The Decline And Fall of Mighty Microsoft. "Veddy veddy nice, you call us in Bombay!"
"We come also fix disobedient computer, veddy fast, Sahib!"


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