Monday, February 3, 2014

PC-BSD 10.0 - The beat goes on....

Yes, it also has a universal media player, and when it's tuned to Jazz 24 at it sounds every bit as good as my long-time favorite but now defunct Winamp. Minimized to the taskbar, it shows what's playing and by whom. I like it. I think I'll keep it.

The more I use this system, and the more I learn about it, the better I like it.
It's also very comforting to know that there's all this 'out there' in cyberspace, just in case you ever want to kick the habit of depending on Apple or Microsoft for your computer programming and operating systems. I've just proved to my own satisfaction that I can do everything I did before without any help from Microsoft or Apple or their respective support branches. 

And this isn't some recently invented fly-by-night system. It's based on the Unix format which, as most of us know, dates back to Day One of the computer era,
back in the good old days when men were men and gals were all just naturally double breasted. Would I lie to you?

And one of the nicer features of all this is its cost: absolutely nothing but your time involved in downloading and installing it, and getting to know it better, and you'll probably enjoy yourself - and you can buy yourself a treat on the money you saved from not having to pay someone to let you do all this. 

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