Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Internet

The World Wide Web works well as it is, and should be equally available to all. It is the one thing that can unite and civilize us all. Let's not mess it up.


  1. The Internet is the working brain of the human world.

  2. Yes - if everyone had it, and knew how to use it well, we could solve a lot of problems in the world.

    For example, the translator gadget at the top of the right-hand column on here lets anyone read this in their own language if they wish. And that is the sort of thing that makes the Internet so great.

    And if you wrote to me in French or German I could use that translator to reply in your own language. And to be sure it is saying what I want to say, I translate it back to my language to check it, before I send it. This can be very useful. And it is also fun.
