Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More Gourmet Cooking: This one's for Tommy....

Tommy says, "You guys are too much!" - And he's probably right.... Take this cheddar cheese singles ice cream, for example.....Please!


  1. Ray, please tell me that is not actually ice cream under that cheese...

    Actually, we have one of these. We beat up an egg with a little milk, just like if you're making scrambled eggs. Put it in the microwave for 45 seconds. Then we put a slice of cheese on top and cook for another 15 seconds. Side it onto a piece of toast. Good..

  2. I cannot tell a lie. It's real ice cream, and the secret to this is to use really thin sliced cheese, and then it's like kissing a duck's ass without getting a mouthful of feathers - you've gotta be quick!

    But I think I like your recipe better. I'm going to try it as soon as I can run fast enough to catch a chicken, and then get strong enough to shake a cow until its milk turns to cheese....
    (Am I off my meds again???)

    Seriously - yours sounds delicious and I will try it, right after I return from the store with free range brown eggs and a couple of packages of Kraft Singles, and some Chunky Cheese Bread to put all that on. And I thank you profusely, Sir!

  3. Chunky Cheese Bread

    Sounds wonderful... Of course is there anything bad with the word cheese in it?
