Sunday, August 17, 2014

The world is still watching...

The world is still watching. It's like watching an old movie about the Nazis in Germany before and during the Second World War. Or watching a train wreck -
you know how it's going to end, you know why, you're horrified by all of it, and you can't stop it any more than you could repeal the law of gravity.

Has America gone crazy? The evidence seems to be speaking for itself. And the rest of the world, not to be outdone, is following the old 'Monkey see, Monkey do' principle, with wars breaking out with disgusting regularity, because what's good for America must be good for the rest of the world, because while America may not always be right, it is damned-well never wrong, and it tells us so with every means possible as often as it can, whether we need all that repetition of
bafflegab and bullshit or not. And actions still speak louder than words.

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