Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Climate change = Population explosion

This isn't Rocket Science - it's basic arithmetic. One plus one making whoopie equals trouble for the world. In the Bible's book of Genesis we are admonished to 'go forth and multiply' and we misunderstood that God meant learn mathematics, not breed ourselves out of standing room in the vegetable garden.

Since I was born in 1932 the world's population has tripled, and if that isn't enough to scare the hell out of you, then you must be semi-conscious. And all that yelling about 'climate change' is bafflegab to deflect attention from the fact that too many of us are here making too many more of us. Every vehicle we know has a passenger limit, except maybe for trains in India, and none can carry more than it is designed for without dire consequences. The Earth is a vehicle, just like any other. Larger maybe, but a vehicle nevertheless, and it like all others has a passenger limit. A limit beyond which we can't maintain our food supplies, housing requirements, sanitation necessities, nor health care. And we're dangerously close to exceeding that limit, in case we haven't already reached it.

We're supposed to be the bipeds with the biggest brains on the planet. So today's Question Everything is: "When will we start using these brains?"

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