Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Related to 'Dubya'? One wonders....

I could say something derogatory, like "If he had one more brain cell, it would be very lonely!" but I won't. Instead, let's pause for a moment to consider the effect upon history and the present which is the result of the misinterpretation of the intent of the Second Amendment and its resulting psychology of 'guns everywhere' promoted by the NRA and enshrined in law by gutless politicians who would rather bow to pressure from conniving gun interests than stand up for the prevention of senseless slaughter going on in the world.

That particular mindset which glorifies firearms, and the long-gone 'wild west' and the idea that anyone with a gun can play God if they're crazy enough or angry enough or stupid enough has had a seriously detrimental effect all over the world - not just in America. That's because Americans have roamed the world believing that with enough guns and enough ammunition, they can and should do anything they damned well please. And that simply isn't how the civilized world ought to be conducting its interpersonal relationships, because it prompts others to respond in kind - and then all Hell breaks loose. And that's just what we've got going on right now.

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