Sunday, April 27, 2014

Today's best comment on the news...

In the comments under another story about this, elsewhere on the web, in addition to all the inevitable idiotic babbling between self-styled know-it-alls, there was one person's comment that stood out: 'Unbelievable! Here we have men telling God who should be in heaven!' I think that sums it up very succinctly.

This is also of course an exercise in reconciliation among Catholics, and an attempt to 'paint over' the sins of the priesthood that weren't sufficiently addressed by one or more of these Popes while they were in a position to do so. And none of this 'patching up' would have been necessary had the church been following its own rules instead of breaking some of them with disgusting regularity. There have been divisions amongst the faithful and declining attendance at masses because there's been an obvious reaction to this whole 'Don't do as I do, but do as I say' mentality throughout the priesthood and its hierarchy.
Sinners don't become saints with a few Latin phrases, and actions still speak louder than words.


  1. I've wanted to comment on this in my blog but you have done it beautifully...Although it is not a beautiful subject to talk about...

  2. @ Uncle Ron -

    Please use anything you see here on your own blog if you wish. We're all in this together.
