Sunday, October 19, 2014

The Pope and Change (Let's have some!)

His Holiness is on the right track with his sought-after reforms. I wish him every success in his efforts.

The church is very old. If I remember my "Faith of Millions" for converts correctly, it goes back to about the year 40 A.D., and St. Peter, and Christ saying "You are a rock, and upon this rock I will build my church." And Peter then beginning that task after the Ascension.

The church is very big on tradition. It still holds to precepts founded in medieval times, when societies were agrarian, infant mortality was high, and we needed all the offspring we could produce to provide the manpower for the agriculture which was the backbone of society. 

The industrial revolution and advancing technology has now changed all that, and advances in medical science have virtually eliminated infant mortality in most civilized countries. The church, however, has not kept up with such changes, and has not adjusted its practices to suit our modern society. Making cosmetic adjustments to Mass, such as having it all in the language of the parishioners, rather than in its two-language format of Latin and common language doesn't constitute real reform, and reverting that again to its former system, and re-issuing The Missal at $200.00 a copy isn't the kind of real reform we were hoping for. His Holiness knows this, just as we do.

May we please have some real reform to suit our changing times? The religion of the ancient Egyptians thrived for over two millennia, but it eventually faded away because it didn't adapt to its evolving society, and therefore no longer served its purpose. Catholicism is in danger of going the way of Isis, Osiris and Horus, and those other families of gods and goddesses, unless it can adapt to its users' needs and continue to be relevant in a modern world. God isn't stuck in the past, so why should the church be? May we please have some updating? 

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