Monday, May 5, 2014

Cinqo de Mayo: not so good in Detroit

Cinqo de Mayo is important because on this day in 1862, at the Battle of Puebla, 4,000 ill-equipped Mexicans beat the crap out of 8,000 well-equipped Frenchmen, thus vastly improving Mexican morale, and some say probably helping discourage France from helping the Confederacy in its fight with Union forces in the American Civil War. (I've often wondered why it's called 'Civil War' because it seems to me it was anything but 'civil' - it was war, after all.)

And the NRA ought to be really proud of what happened in Detroit during their Cinqo de Mayo parade. Another gun in the hands of another tempestuous idiot ruins another community event in one of America's major cities. This seems to be happening somewhere in the country almost daily lately. Shouldn't something be done about it? I mean, besides listening to Wayne LaPierre shoot off his oversized mouth and display his blatant disregard for the sanctity of human life. Speaking of the Civil War, one could be forgiven for wondering if it's still in progress, given the regular carnage on America's streets.

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