Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Driverless cars....

Cars are a lot like sex. If we were only interested in the end result, rather than the complete experience, we would probably be using trains instead. And bicycles, of course. Both of those preceded the automobile, but offer a different experience. As my Chinese friends say, "It is better to travel than to arrive."

And that, dear reader, explains why we have such a fascination with both sex and fast cars. And the consequences thereof. A whole other story... 


  1. "It is better to travel than to arrive."

    You know Ray, while this may be true some of the time. It certainly isn't all the time. I can remember a train ride that my wife and I took down the east cost to Florida. It had to be the worst travel experience we had ever had!! Rock back and forth all night long. Noisy people all night long. Sleep, Forget that thought all together. On the return trip, we got a sleeper which was better, but certainly not perfect. It's amazing how much they can pack into a 3 ft by 6 ft area. WOW...

  2. Sorry to hear of your unpleasant train trip, Tom. Perhaps my choosing the train in my example wasn't the best. I've had a couple of unpleasant train trips myself, come to think of it.
