Wednesday, March 12, 2014

But first.......

We need a container holding something smaller than a sun or star, for the reaction chamber. And we may need to get everybody together to contribute toward the project, like we did with Yankee Atomic Electric Company. You can do a Google Search on that, for the story of a record-breaking nuclear plant that worked very well. I know something about it, because one of its engineers used to come up to Canada to go fishing near the hydro-electric plant where I was working, and he and I shared a few thoughts on the subject over drinks in the evenings. It was only planned to run for about six years as an experiment, but it was like the Energizer Bunny and just kept going and going - for decades. It was a great little plant, and I was sorry to see it decommissioned. 

What we need here probably is a 'magnetic bottle' within which we can contain a reaction
and experiment on its sustainability.  Our Sun doesn't need a magnetic bottle, because the void of space and its own intense gravity provides that, but in our case, we need to build one, and it has to be strong and sustainable. (Where's Uncle Albert when we need him?)

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