Saturday, July 12, 2014

This insanity has to stop!

How can the Israelis hope to achieve peace while treating their Arab neighbors like the Nazis treated Jews during the Second World War? And that's not just a rhetorical question, Kiddies - I remember the Second World War, and I know who did what to whom, and why we all felt very sympathetic toward Jews. And as I look at images like the above, I am not feeling at all sympathetic toward Jews. If anyone ought to know better than behave like this, it should be them.

And while I'm at it, let me add here that Israel is not the 'Promised Land' and the Jews are not 'God's chosen people'. God doesn't play favorites, and we are all part of the same creation. And the precepts admonishing us not to steal or kill or covet our neighbor's property apply equally to everyone, no matter what their ethnicity or religion or lack thereof. This insanity has to stop!

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