Thursday, October 15, 2009

Uncle Ray's Handy Household Hints, continued...

See this dead housefly?.........

Well, here's how you do that without staining the place all up with industrial-strength and toxic stuff like 'Raid', which doesn't go well with either unhealthy lungs or your munchies.
You go to the pharmacy and get the pure version of rubbing alcohol, like this:-

And then you put it into a small plastic pistol-grip type pumper sprayer ( the sprayer from an empty jug of window cleaner works fine if you trim the length of the intake tube to match the depth of the bottle you use - you don't want one holding litres) and then you're ready for action. 

Why? Because: Full-strength rubbing alcohol is strong enough to kill household insects and other little buggers that fly or crawl in your windows, and do their best to take over your space. Its main advantage is that it doesn't leave an unsightly stain on carpets or woodwork and it evaporates fairly quickly, saving you a clean-up. 

Naturally, you should remember that this is also toxic and flammable (works in those old-fashioned Zippo cigarette lighters in place of lighter fluid) and should be kept away from food, children and pets.  But if you're in a high-rise residential condo like this one, and find that little creepy-crawlies are coming visiting from places where the pipes and the wiring enter your place, then you can quickly zap the little rascals with this, and kill them before they run off with your lunch.

And if, perchance, you have a problem with those tiny little pharaoh ants imported from you-know-where by our newest residents in their luggage, and need the heavy-duty solution, and you don't have any 'Raid' or similar bug killer handy, try the carpet spot-cleaner, such as 'Resolve'. Sock it to them with that foam, and let it sit until it disappears. Then simply vacuum up the victims, and you're not only done, but the rug looks better too. Any questions? 

 I'm adding this last photo, to show the finished sprayer full of alcohol, with its recycled 'Windex' sprayer unit on a small bottle originally from the notions counter of the supermarket. Beside it, sitting on an upturned lid from a ketchup squeeze-bottle, to give you some perspective, is a lacrosse ball. That's another handy thing to have around the house, or if you're travelling, and need an emergency stopper (or regular one) for the sink or the bathtub. The lacrosse ball, available at most sporting goods outlets, or from the folks at Goalnet Sports, on Lonsdale Avenue in North Vancouver, works as a stopper for the drain of sinks and bathtubs because it is heavy enough to hold itself in place even while the water is running full force to fill the sink or tub, and sitting up above the drain as it does, it is easy to grab when you want to 'pull the plug'. I've tested mine by letting it hold a full bathtub of water for an hour or so, to see if it would leak away, and it doesn't. You have to remove the ball to drain it.


  1. Also please view the latest upload to my flickr gallery at ( Attention all flies ).

  2. "Attention all flies"

    Very nice Plan 'B'. The sole of an old thong sandal might work, too.
    Rolled up newspaper is good, but we don't buy as many of those as we used to, now that we have the web.

    I enjoyed your other pictures too.
    The sunset was very nice, and that dancing video made me smile. That gal with the legs you liked was always looking down at her feet,
    and that's supposed to be a 'no-no' isn't it? You should show her how to do The Bump. And ask if that's a wiggle or a broken hip :)

  3. How funny not also are your articles but also your comments, hehe! You observed so well: I also noticed that señora was looking at her own feet not only in the video but all the time.
    Dancing is open every Saturday during the market hours at Vega de San Mateo.
    Maybe you will see ME in the video next time, hehe...

  4. Ray, why didn't you mention this when I asked about how to get rid of flies just a few days earlier, here?

    (Captcha: "slair". Of flies, I guess.)

  5. Sorry about that, Eolake - my excuse is that the autumn fly-seeking-home
    problem happens later here, maybe.

    I have screens that were made up specially to fit the sliding doorway and my lone window here, but because the frames were not properly made for fitting screens, these are not perfect - they don't cover the gap between the sliding and fixed parts of the door and window - so I do get unwelcome little visitors crawling in between those parts and coming inside.

    When I was a kid, every household had fly-swatters, and 'FlyTox' sprayers that looked something like a tire pump with a can under the front nozzle. But all that is long-gone now, so we have to improvise, because the flies are still with us. There's maybe even more now than there were in the old days, because it's easier for them to travel around the world now
    on container ships and aircraft. I've seen insects here in recent years that we've never had before
    and they have to be coming from somewhere offshore. They aren't native to North America is what I'm saying, so they may not have natural enemies here. You likely have the same problems in the U.K.
    and Europe. Insects are hitchhiking everywhere these days.

  6. "When I was a kid, every household had fly-swatters"

    What happened to those.

    Fortunately I don't live close to wetlands, so we don't have too much of an insect population.

  7. My ass still puckers whenever I see a fly swatter. And when I got bigger my Mom used the kitchen corn broom.

    One day, she ambushed me from behind the kitchen door, and she was shorter than I am, so when she swung the broom, the handle hit my shoulder about midway down the handle and it snapped off right there. I hardly felt it. She picked up the two pieces of broom, and said, "Now look what you've done to my brand-new broom!"

    I replied, "I didn't do a thing to your broom - the damned thing just
    up and attacked me - and it got what it deserved. Don't blame me for that one."

  8. "What happened to those?"
    (Fly swatters)....

    It became politically incorrect to swat small insects and small misbehaving children with them. That's why kids today are bossing their parents around and yelling about 'abuse' every time someone tries to civilize the little buggers.

  9. Yeah, swatters and such should be used between consenting adults in a safe setting. :-)

  10. Have you seen 'Exit to Eden' starring Dana Delany as the head dominatrix at the adults-only resort?

    Loved it! If you've noticed some of my screenshots on here, then you've
    seen her turned into an icon on here for Task Manager. I thought it was quite appropriate.

  11. No, but sounds like fun, so I'll rent it.

  12. Good luck finding it at the rental.
    I tried here a few weeks ago, and the kid behind the counter looked at me like I was a dirty old man, which I probably am, and said, "We don't carry that kind of stuff here."

    Maybe they don't carry it now, but they were busting their asses a few years ago to rent you anything you were old enough to view in there - so either they lost some of their suppliers or got religion or maybe both - but as a customer with a membership card entitling me to rent their whole collection,
    I was a bit pissed off. A few years ago, when I first viewed that video, that was where I got it. Isn't progress wonderful?

  13. eolake said, "Yes! What happened to those." Well, here is one place.

  14. Thanks, DDD - looks like a well made version of 'old faithful'.

    The ones I remember from long ago had a rubber swatting paddle on a
    wire handle, much like the one shown in this ad. The rubber thingy was about 4 inches square, and perforated to cut down on wind resistance. The wire of the handle was about the same as that in a good quality wire coat hanger.

    It worked well on flies, wasps, other insects, cats, dogs, and misbehaving children, amongst whom I was one. Like I said, my ass still puckers when I get a good look at one of those things...

  15. I already found it at my online rental, see here.

  16. I'm glad you found it! I was looking around here, but no luck.

    If you get it, and can do it, I'd love a couple of decent images of
    'Mistress Lisa' in her gear, because
    those off the web are much too noisy
    to be worth saving. It's amazing how a JPEG image deteriorates with time.
    It's just as bad as having an old VCR tape, or maybe worse.
